On July 11, 1991, there was a total solar eclipse. People all over the world were stunned by the eclipse, where the moon blocked the entire sun.
This specific eclipse went over the Pacific Ocean, through Hawaii, Mexico, Central and South America.
For people who were alive at the time, the solar eclipse was something to remember forever. One grandmother, Betty, was excited for the eclipse, but sad that her infant grandson, Trevor, wouldn't remember it.
She wanted to experience an eclipse with him, so she looked up when the next total solar eclipse would occur — August 21, 2017 — and wrote him a note.
There was one catch: he couldn't open the note until just before the eclipse.
Betty gave the note to Trevor's mom and told her to hold onto it until 2017. Trevor was finally allowed to open the note in July 2017, and he absolutely loved what he read in his grandmother's letter.
[H/T: Country Living]

Trevor posted the note on Reddit, where he captioned it, "My nana wrote me a letter in 1991 that I couldn't open till 2017. The date finally came and I've never felt something so genuine and precious."

The letter reads:
July 11, 1991 12:30
Dear Trevor,
I hope I'm around when you open this!!!! Because I will/or would have been 79 years old!

Today we had a total eclipse and the next one is in the year 2017 — so I thought this was such a special day in the first year of year of you [sic] life that I would make a note of it to you since you are too little to understand any of it.

I’m not sure when this will happen, but I thought the news said in August — could have already happened.
I wonder what you will be doing at the age of 26!??

I do know that you are the cutest baby ever and we love you lots and love having you over to stay with us — you are so much fun!

I must get back to work now — I’m giving this to your Mother this weekend to put away till 2017 when you are to open this.
Love you.
Grandma Betty

After reading the letter, it's obvious why Trevor called it "so genuine and precious."
Have you ever gotten a letter like this from a family member?

Betty was worried that she might not be around for her grandson's next solar eclipse, but don't you worry!
She's thriving at nearly eighty years old, and she'll get to experience the next solar eclipse this August.
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