Community kitchens fulfill a necessary role, providing a place where hungry people can get a much-needed meal. Despite the concept being a positive one, these places are often not very warm or welcoming.
However, one soup kitchen in Kansas City, MO, decided to challenge the status quo and design a facility that offers its diners an experience that doesn't resemble eating lunch in a high school cafeteria.
Jennifer Bertrand, a designer and winner of HGTV's Design Star, spearheaded the effort to make this soup kitchen a special place. "If you're living out on the streets and experiencing everything that's concrete and brown and sad and lifeless — I wanted this to be the complete opposite," she explains in the video below.
The result is just that — a bright and welcoming space where people are able to relax and escape what is going on outside, even for just a little.
"With everything else that's going on in your life, if you're able to sit down at a place like this and have a meal, that can be the difference between having a good day and a bad day," one guest says.
Of course, it's important to note that the quality of the food matches its surroundings. A major goal of the project is to serve the guests nutritional, healthy meals.
Take a look at the incredible soup kitchen below!
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