When These Baby Otters Started Talking In Their Sleep, I Was Nearly Moved To TEARS!

When life’s got you down in the dumps, bookmark the following video and refer to it semi-regularly as an antidote to warm your heart. Seriously, this is a baby animal video for the ages.

When I saw this YouTube clip for the first time, I couldn’t believe my eyes or ears. This may be one of the cutest, squeakiest otter pup videos on all the web. Snuggling up together, these two newborns can muster only little squeals that will undeniably melt your heart.

And in case you’re interested in falling down the rabbit hole of adorable baby animal videos, check out one we posted recently of two munchkin kittens, one of which seemingly has some choice words while he’s waddling all over the kitchen. No telling what makes this little baby so talkative, but boy does he have some things to say.

Maybe one more? How about a porcupine named Teddy Bear who opens up his Christmas gifts from Santa to find, of all things, cobs of corn. And if you’ve never heard a porcupine talk, you’re in for quite the surprise. His little expressions of gratitude are so cute they’ll melt your heart. (For any of our younger readers, it’s the closest thing to a real life Pikachu that I can imagine.)

If this video warmed your heart, SHARE it with your friends!