Woman Saves Starburst Wrappers For 4 Years, Then Sews Them Together To Make Colorful Dress

For many women, picking a dress for a special occasion can be a daunting task. With so many cuts, colors, and styles to choose from, we can spend hours trying to find the perfect outfit — whether it's for a wedding, prom, or even a sweet sixteen.

But artist Emily Seilhamer knows how to tackle this problem: She can sew her own fabulous dresses and make them look store-bought!

But that's not all: She does more than make them with her own two hands; she also uses some pretty whacky fabrics.

Just check out her latest creation: Emily managed to make a beautiful and colorful dress entirely out of Starburst candy wrappers!

It may seem like an impossible feat, but check out her process for yourself in the photos below. She explains every step and makes it all look so easy. I would die to have skills and artistry like hers!

Don't forget to tell us what you think of this dress in the comments!

Twitter / Cailin Mackie‏

Artist Emily Seilhamer recently posted photos of a dress she made online, and it's got everyone buzzing! Surprisingly, it's entirely out of Starburst candy wrappers, and we couldn't be more impressed.

Facebook / Artistry and Upcycling by Emily Seilhamer

She writes:

I’ve been saving Starburst wrappers diligently (with the help of friends and family) for 4 years to create this dress.

Facebook / Artistry and Upcycling by Emily Seilhamer

 After enough were saved, I organized them into colors, ironed them, folded them into links, and made candy wrapper chains.

Facebook / Artistry and Upcycling by Emily Seilhamer

With the use of elastic thread, I was able to sew the links together into a “fabric” to create the dress.

Facebook / Artistry and Upcycling by Emily Seilhamer

My husband and I met when he offered me a pack of Starburst a few years before the project started.

Facebook / Artistry and Upcycling by Emily Seilhamer

 As his favorite candy, he began to save grocery bags full of wrappers for me… The dress had a nice spot next to the gift table at our wedding almost 2 years ago!

Please SHARE if you’re amazed this woman’s incredible talent and design!