Although Seal will always be known for his smooth and serene vocals, he’s becoming more and more appreciated for his generosity.
With many videos coming to the surface of Facebook and YouTube alike, it’s clear that Seal enjoys offering rare opportunities to street musicians that he deems worthy of a chance.
Seal puts his popularity and his publicity to good use. He shares the time intended for him as a means to gather attention for these street musicians. Upon meeting them, he usually performs a cover or two with them, and records it.
In this particular clip, Seal introduces Poppy Waterman-Smith to his Manchester audience before taking the stage to perform. Seal met Poppy on the streets of Manchester one day, and had to stop and sing with her because of how talented she was. They were so good together that the two of them managed to gather a good-size crowd that day with their impromptu performance.
Their spontaneous performance has led to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Poppy — one where she gets to play in front of Seal’s audience and show them what she’s got.
It’s quite a noble and beautiful feat that he’s accomplishing. With every video and with every opening set that he gives performers to use to their advantage, Seal happily takes a backseat to these impressive performers.
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