Singing is something I've always admired, mainly because I wasn't born with that talent.
I believe that singing ability is something you either have or you don't.
Clearly, there are some celebrities out there who can sort of sing, and are then given the production teams necessary to make them even better. But if one is singing in a room with no computers, no edits, and no microphones, that is when you can see if they have true talent or not.
And the three women below definitely have a great amount of talent, proven in the first few notes that come out of their mouths.
This video starts out with them quietly sitting in a living room together. The lighting is dim, and it almost looks like they're about to have a conversation. They have no voice-altering mechanics around. It's just them, their voices, and the room.
The seemingly spontaneous taping of this outbreak of singing turns out to be something so special.
They take on Deborah Cox's "Nobody's Supposed to Be Here" and their voices are shockingly strong. They seem quiet and timid in the beginning. But that is not the case.
The three of them together sing in perfect harmony, but whenever each has a moment to showcase their talent solo, they blow me away.
At 3:07 you hear one of my favorite moments, but it's definitely worth the watch from beginning to end.
Please SHARE this incredible performance with everyone you know!