Pretty Parrot’s High-Speed Tap Dance Is Unbelievably Cute

Tap-dancing is a fun, energetic performance art, and it's really been restricted to humans… until now. This rhythmic bird has learned a thing or two about moving his feet to the beat, and now he can do it so well, his little legs are a complete blur! I had no idea birds could even move like this, but this little cutie dances way better than I do.

Believe it or not, there are plenty of birds out there that like to boogie down. Personally, my favorite avian dancer is this goofy cockatoo who loves jamming to Elvis! But this feathered tap dancer is definitely a close second. I love the sound of his little feet pitter-pattering on the ground! Just like this bird who enjoys rocking out to the Beach Boys, this cutie-pie moves with surprisingly good rhythm, even though he's never actually been taught how to dance. I wish I were naturally this good at dancing!

While some people have suggested that this bird might actually be doing a more aggressive dance to mark his territory, I like to think that he's just having some fun. And if he really is doing his high-speed march to keep other birds away, he sure looks cute doing it! I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching him dance.

If this bird's tap dance made you smile, SHARE this video with all your friends!