No One Wanted To Attend Lonely Student’s Graduation, But This Teacher Just Had To Step In

Sometimes it’s not the number of people who show up for you when you’re celebrating life’s milestones, but it’s who is there to remind you that you can and have accomplished great things.

Dominique Moore was an experienced 54-year-old teacher who had spent more than 20 years teaching students at the Bessemer City High School in Alabama. Dominique had dedicated his life to caring for his pupils and he had become one of the most beloved teachers in the faculty.

Dominique lived a happy life on his own with his two cats. Even though he didn’t have a partner or children of his own, he always told his students to be grateful for the little things and continue to live life to the fullest because you never really know how much time you have left on Earth.

It was similar to all of the other years that had gone by when graduation came around again. Dominique was one of the teachers who enjoyed being present at the ceremony and helped plan the life-changing event for his students.

According to, after the ceremony when Dominique was cleaning up, he spotted one of his students who had just graduated sitting there all by himself. The teacher inquired about where the student’s loved ones were to which the graduate sadly replied, “Nobody’s here.”

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After seeing a look of disappointment on his face, Dominique asked his former student if he was hungry and maybe wanted to join him for a celebratory lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. The pair had an “amazing” time together, and the camaraderie didn’t stop there.

To find out what happened when the generous teacher helped his former student raise money for his own car, watch the full video posted by Wonderbot.