Prepare to shed a few tears with this story right here. Battling cancer has to be a challenging journey, and even more challenging when it takes a person away from enjoying their everyday life. Well, these two teens found a way to bring the joy back into their lives, and they did it together.
Vivian Eagle, 17, and Cade Thompson, 18, shared the same bone cancer diagnosis. They met a month after Vivian's diagnosis, and Cade had just recently finished his treatments.

The two became friends. As someone who knew what it was like, Cade was there to offer support to Vivian throughout her treatments.
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Then, during a special moment, the two shared an evening together at prom. What makes it even more sentimental is that Vivian had been focused on making it to prom throughout her treatments.
“It was so fun,” Vivian shared. “I completely forgot about everything. It was just like I was a normal teenager again.” The two dressed in yellow and black, shown in stunning photos that were shared across social media.

A week later, Vivian and Cade made a return to Riley Children's Health in Indianapolis, which is where both of them had been treated. They dressed in their prom outfits and showed up to thank the medical staff as well as spread hope to other pediatric cancer patients.

“They’re the reason that we’re here today,” Cade said. “I feel like I owe that to them for them to see me healthy.”
Though Vivian and Cade aren't dating (Cade has a girlfriend), the two still play a monumental part in each other's lives. "It’s a one-of-a-kind friendship,” Cade shared.
People absolutely loved the pair's story.
"What a wonderful story, I am sure you will stay steadfast friends for life❤️ ," someone commented.
"The Fault in Our Stars vibes ✨️ ❤️," someone else wrote.
Overall, the two had an amazing evening together, and got the chance to enjoy a night full of happiness.
“Plans change and life changes,” Cade said. “I feel like hope is the biggest thing and being happy will get you a lot farther than being upset.”