Woman Shares Photos Of Final Days After Stomach Pains End Up Being Terminal Bowel Cancer

When Amy Redhead experienced abdominal pain in 2017, it was nothing new for the 28-year-old.

According to Daily Mail, Amy (who is from the West Midlands in England) was diagnosed with colitis, an inflammation of the inner lining of the intestines, at age 11. Colitis can also cause abdominal cramping and pain.

Sadly, Amy's pains turned out to be something far worse.

The young woman (whom her younger sister Emily described as "happy" and "bubbly") was diagnosed with aggressive bowel cancer in October 2017 after losing "loads" of weight and feeling a lump in her stomach. Tests revealed that the disease had already spread to 70% of her liver. She was given a terminal diagnosis and told she had only six months left to live.

Amy opted not to endure chemotherapy to prolong her life, choosing instead to enjoy her last days while being as healthy as possible. According to Emily, Amy shared her journey on social media to help raise awareness about bowel cancer.

Amy's family carried on sharing photos of her when she went to hospice care as she was not well enough to do it herself.

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Emily tells news provider Caters News:

"Amy was fit and enjoying the gym just weeks before she was diagnosed. We don't know whether she first blamed her symptoms on her colitis but we want people to be aware of any changes if you have the condition. It's important that those with the illness keep on top of their regular checks. If something feels different, or you have an unusual pain, then get it checked, as it could have saved Amy's life. We hope Amy’s story highlights the link between ulcerative colitis and cancer."

Amy and her family started a GoFundMe campaign for support.