While on vacation in Costa Rica with her father and sister, Stephanie Greaves was involved in a jet ski accident that left her with severe wounds on her face.
The 25-year-old, whose wedding was just months away, flew off the jet ski because of the force of a wave. The heavy watercraft then landed on her face, leaving her unconscious for half an hour.
Locals helped Greaves get to the closest hospital, but doctors there weren't prepared to deal with the injuries. But that's where she met Kirk Mahon, an ER doctor from Texas who went above and beyond to ensure she was properly treated.
"The next thing I remember, he came in, explained to me who he was and where he was from and that he was going to help me, and he just reached into my mouth and pulled forward my teeth," Greaves told CBS about the doctor who was at the hospital for his own injury.
Dr. Mahon didn't stop there: he flew to San Jose with Greaves in a medical helicopter and gave his own credit card to the staff who seemed worried about getting paid.
Much like the time a doctor in Pennsylvania saved a man who everyone thought was dead, Dr. Mahon's involvement made all the difference for a grateful Greaves.
"It was just one selfless act of kindness after another," Greaves said. "It totally restored my faith in humanity."
Warning: Video contains graphic photos of the victim's injuries.
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