The Easiest – And Simplest – Way To Store Soda In The Fridge!

If you're like me, you enjoy seltzer water and soda occasionally. And if you're like my sister, you enjoy it all the time! I'm serious, her fridge is usually so full of Diet Coke and seltzer that you would think she survives on that stuff.

But it's always a pain to unpack the stuff, and then put it in the fridge. It takes time, and who couldn't use more of that in their day?

This short video show a simple, quick, and easy way of unloading a lot of cans into your fridge. It's so simple, I can't believe I hadn't thought of it myself, but now I'm going to do this every time I buy a box of drinks!

What's your opinion? Do you think this is actually a neat idea?

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