Just like any group of prisoners emerging from a lifetime behind bars, this group of chimpanzees could not believe their eyes when they stepped outside for the very FIRST time. They haven't experienced the many things we so often take for granted. They have never felt grass under their feet or sunlight on their face… they have never even taken a breath of fresh air. Although most of these laboratory chimps were born in captivity, the oldest ones were kidnapped from African jungles as babies to live a lifetime in locked cages.
Finally a group of animal activists took charge and transferred the 38 surviving chimps to a safe-haven sanctuary in Austria, allowing them to feel the nurturing contact of their fellow chimps for the first time. Since the chimps had never lived in the wild, the sanctuary is the safest home for them. When two of the chimps realize they are free and hug at 1:26, my heart absolutely jumped out of my chest. This is beyond wonderful. Please do the right thing and SHARE this to bring joy to everyone you know.