John Fremow is a man who absolutely loves the wild and wildlife. He is surrounded by some beautiful land filled with animals of all sorts, but one of the most interesting animals out there is none other than a pretty-normal-looking deer.
Normal, of course, until you look a little bit closer at her foot. That's because she doesn't have a foot! John says that this beautiful animal has been around his land for four whole years now. The deer usually likes to stay pretty close to the house, and maybe that's the reason she's been doing so good for so long!
John says that there are a few coyotes out near his home, but for whatever reason they don't seem interested in this three-legged deer. And while no one knows what caused her injuries, John tells everyone who hunts that she is absolutely restricted from being harvested!
We're happy that this deer seems to have a good sense of balance and plenty of grass to eat. While missing a leg would certainly seem to be a huge problem in nature, it doesn't seem to be bringing her down. She's been doing well and has lots of friends to help her, humans included!
Please SHARE this inspiring story, and let us know what you would name this beautiful deer!