On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine and began an all-out war on the country’s independence. Inside Edition reports that since the war began, 238 children have been killed and over 400 injured. Countless others have lost their homes, parents, or other loved ones.
One factory in Ukraine is fighting back to make sure the number of child casualties does not get any higher. Lviv Defense Cluster started to manufacture bulletproof vests for children.
The protective kits come in three different sizes and are made up of a bulletproof vest and helmet. One is designed for ages 4 to 6, another for ages 7 to 10, and the final one for ages 11 to 14. It is a heartbreaking fact of this war that they are even necessary.
The protective kits are military grade but in smaller sizes. The vests match all the requirements to be classified as first protection class. They are made to be as lightweight and easy to get on and off as possible for their young wearers.
The vests are being sent to the areas where the fighting is the heaviest. The hope is that these kits will protect countless Ukrainian children should they need to be evacuated. The orange coloring also makes them easy to spot in case of rescue.
To learn about these protective kits and the brave factory workers who are making them, watch this video.