I Can Not Believe What I Just Saw – This Video Of UNDERWATER Babies Is 100% Real!!!

Baby Swimming is a UK-based company founded by Daisy Starrs in 1999, after she took her 5-month-old son to swim lessons and was inspired by the idea. Today, her company has taught hundreds of babies to swim and although it may sound crazy to us, the results are truly astounding.

When I first started to watch this video, I didn’t know what to think! How is this safe?! How do they do it?! I recognize that these methods are safe and that the professionals are trained extensively, but this footage blows my mind! At the same time, this video is so sweet and simple. It really made me feel calm and know that these tiny babies are in good hands. Being submerged in water makes the babies feel like they are in the womb. We are all born with a “diving” reflex, which makes us hold our breath under water. I find this absolutely fascinating and would love to try this with an adorable little one.

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Baby Swimming from GURCHETAN SINGH on Vimeo.