Olympic Swim Team Carpools To The Games For An Unforgettable Ride Around Town

When we see people on the big screen in movies or on TV shows, it can be hard to picture them as real people.

We tend to think of celebrities as otherworldly or above us. However, the fact of the matter is that they're just people, too!

With the 2016 Olympics underway, the entire world will be watching these young men and women compete for their countries. On such a big stage and with so much pressure placed upon them, these athletes may seem like superheroes to some of us watching back home.

It's also hard to remember that so many of these national competitors are literally just kids. There are a few athletes on the American team alone that are only 16 years old. The rest of the athletes aren't much older than them.

With that being said, many of these athletes are bound to be a little silly while they're on this wild ride with their teammates and friends.

The American Olympic swim team is full of friends who have trained together for years and years. They have a special bond, and they certainly like to have some fun together.

Almost the entire swim team participates in a trendy new carpool karaoke spin-off at Rio, and all of America is eating it up. Watching golden boys Ryan Lochte and Michael Phelps being silly with the rest of the crew is just such a treat!

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