Old Timey Photos Prove How Much School Has Changed In The Past 100 Years

Thinking back to your school days probably brings back a lot of feelings.

You remember your friends, the games you played on the playground, and your favorite outfit. Maybe you also remember the anxiety you felt before tests, or how nervous you felt if you had to start at a new school and make new friends.

School was such a staple in our lives for so long. It taught us not only academic subjects, but also how to make friends, deal with conflicts, and grow into a unique individual. And although there were challenges, it's also a place where great memories were made.

Of course, things do change over time. One-room schoolhouses became larger buildings for more students. Chalkboards gave way to tablets and interactive software.

And while outdoor schools fell out of favor for a while, they're becoming more and more popular again as people remember the joys of nature.

Take a peek into the past with some beautiful vintage photos of cute kids all around the world learning and growing. The times and places may be different, but their friendships, challenges, and cuteness are pretty timeless!

Let us know which one is your favorite, and feel free to share some tales or photos of your own school days with us in the comments!


Education has been around since humans became capable of passing on information. It's ultimately how we pass on our history and discoveries to new generations.

This kindergarten "class" is getting a lesson from a nun in about 1910.

Of course, things have changed…

Tumblr / Robert Doiseneau

Kids sometimes walked great distances to get to school every day, and some still do in some parts of the world.

Today, many cities have buses to transport kids. It's faster and safer, and buses allow kids living farther away to come to school more easily.

Tumblr / Arthur Leipzig

It was also common in the 19th and early 20th centuries for kids of all ages to share a classroom.

The older students helped the younger ones when they weren't busy with their own lessons, and there were also activities for everyone.


Other children, especially wealthier ones, got private tutoring, either alone or in groups.

These children might have studied together at one of their homes.

New York Times

Other old-fashioned habits were thankfully given up, like segregation. This photo shows Linda Brown in the front, the plaintiff in the Brown v. Board of Education case that ended segregation in public schools in 1954.

Old Japan Photos

However, there are plenty of traditions you can still see in schools today.

School uniforms are still popular in many places. This little boy from Japan shows off his school uniform, complete with a cap.

Old Photos of Japan

The girls got uniforms, too, and schoolchildren in Japan still wear crisp uniforms.

Naturally, though, the styles have certainly changed with the times.

Soviet Life

And while some uniforms have simply been modified to keep up with the times, some, like these Soviet uniforms, have faded away.

Library of Congress

Then again, many schools didn't bother with uniforms, and many still don't.

For a lot of families, especially like this rural family in 1930s Minnesota, buying or making a uniform just wouldn't have been financially possible.

Tumblr / Sister Morphine

Also just like the old days, students are still often asked to present something in front of the class.

Library of Congress

And they still have "Show and Tell."

Former Days

And recess, of course!

A Very Old Place

Gym class looks a bit different these days, but we still take time to teach kids the importance of physical activity.

Tuesday Johnson's Historical Indulgences

And believe it or not, field trips were common practice, too. This class is visiting a zoo in 1899, and checking out a bison having a snack.

Instagram / history.soul

And these girls in Sydney came out in 1932 to celebrate the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

What do you remember about your school days? If you have any favorite stories, let us know! And be sure to SHARE these great photos with your pals from school, too.