Many parts of the world are caught in the middle of winter right now and can definitely feel the effects of the bitter cold!
While some folks only want to hide inside in their warm homes, others succumb to cabin fever and can't wait to have some fun outside…no matter how painful the cold is!
The people who created this next video, on the other hand, decided to put some real thought into their cold weather fun. What they did here is truly genius and had me wondering…why didn't I think of this?!
Have you ever wondered what happens to boiling water in freezing cold temperatures? These guys put it to the test, but decided to do it safely by putting the boiling water inside a water gun to see what would happen.
When they squirted the gun off their porch in Northern Ontario, Canada, where the temperature was a deadly -42 degrees, the boiling water instantly freezes, creating pure magic in the air.
If you want to try this out for yourself — please be safe! And remember to show LittleThings some love and let us know how it goes… Please SHARE this video!