Fashion has certainly changed over the years, and there's no better proof than the following video. Here, Cécile du Jard demonstrates how to put on the stunning 1860s crinoline dress she made all by herself. Cécile is a dressmaker who specializes in historical costume, and this one simple video of her putting on this masterpiece went viral with nearly eight million YouTube views.
According to Wikipedia, crinoline is a stiffened or structured petticoat designed to more fully spread out a woman's skirt that was made popular in the mid-19th century. From royalty to factory workers, crinolines were worn by women of every social class. They were also very hazardous; thousands of women died in the mid-19th century as a result of their hooped skirts catching on fire!
The pattern of Cécile dress is 100% period. The solution with the petticoat is not authentic, she says, as it has an elastic and is covered with ruffles of petticoat nylon.
The second she steps into the center of the crinoline, I was hooked. For the next two minutes, Cécile carefully and methodically fastens herself in, revealing gigantic, flowing ruffles and finishing with a royal purple surprise fit for a princess.
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