The holidays really are the most wonderful time of any year, even though they can sometimes be stressful.
What makes them so wonderful are all the traditions families collect over the years. Maybe they are common traditions that your family has adopted, or maybe they are some entirely absurd, whackadoo, bonkers, loopy traditions that came from some twisted idea that your Uncle Larry had one fine Christmas Eve.
No matter what your family does for the holidays, the traditions will always be near to your heart.
These 11 fun holiday traditions may make you wonder how the heck they came about, but I bet you can think of some strange ones your own family does too.
How does your family compare to these folks? Are your traditions even more off-the-wall than theirs? There's got to be someone out there with a story to top these!
Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook.
[H/T: Reddit]
Thumbnail source: Youtube

“I have a family of 5 and when we visit my parents for Christmas they scatter all of the gifts across their 10 acres of wooded property. Last year I had to cut a rope to lower a gift down because it was suspended 30 feet in the air.” – cloudywater1

“On Christmas Eve, we have a tradition of the Christmas Elf. All the kids take turns putting on the pointy green elf hat and putting a present under the tree. They are all in their 20s now, and my wife still makes them do it.
"We have a bunch of pictures of bored, annoyed 20-year-olds posing with a present by the tree wearing a stupid green elf hat.” – ParkingLotRanger

“On Christmas Eve we all pack up into the car and drive around looking at the Christmas lights around town…and we drink chocolate milk from baby bottles while we do it.” – FourtE2

“We make a six-foot long burrito by laying down a lot of tortillas. Once all the food is on it we all gather around it and roll the burrito together as a family.” – juiceboxheero

“Christmas Eve, after church service, the family loads up the dog and cat in the car and drives around looking at Christmas lights. We end it with a trip to Tastee Freeze to get a hamburger for the dog and a small vanilla ice cream for the cat. Humans don't get anything.” – vidproducer

“Our family always makes one hundred 'pigs in blankets,' little cocktail sausages wrapped in bacon. There's only 5 of us but making any less is considered sacrilege.” – violet_may

“When Mr. & Mrs. Smith first came out on DVD my sister got it in her stocking. Our family's rule was you can go through stockings before the adults are up, but no presents. We would wake up at 5, then play with the stocking stuffers till they woke up at like 9.
"We watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith that year and my mom walked in and loved it. We now watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith every Christmas morning.” – walkingcarpet23

“My mom has put a can of soda, a snack pack of chips, and a sleeve of toaster pastries in our stockings every year, without fail. I'm 25.” – reincarN8ed

“My dad has this thing where every year he gives people pajamas. Like he'll give you a regular gift, but aside from that he will also give you pajamas. He's done this to me and my mom for years and also does it to every girl I've dated. I don't know why he does it and I've honestly never asked, but I feel like if he stopped doing it, I would be sad because I actually look forward to seeing what kind of weird pajamas he got for me this year.” – -eDgAR-

“Growing up I remember every Christmas Eve driving around town looking at Christmas lights then when we got home we would discover that Santa had already come.
"‘He must have thought we were already sleeping,’ one of my parents would say and we would open the gifts and stay up all night playing with them essentially allowing my parents the greatest gift of all, sleeping in on Christmas Day. My sister has carried on the tradition with her children and I will do so with my son when he is a bit older.” – rulerofthepack

“Wrapping paper fight. After all the presents are unwrapped, we crumple the paper and throw it at each other.” – hadespersephone
Do you have any fun traditions like these? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!
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