11 Totally Unexpected And Out-There Ways Folks Met The Love Of Their Life

Finding the love of your life doesn't always seem like the easiest thing in the world. Before you discover that person, you're wondering just where they might show up. You may even be wondering what's taking them so gosh darn long.

More often than not, though, the big moment will happen when you expect it the very least. You won't even be looking for love when the person stumbles into your life, sometimes quite literally.

These 11 tales of finding true love aren't your typical stories like "our friends set us up" or "we met at a bar." Some of these even seem like they're straight out of a movie. They do say that truth is stranger than fiction. Seriously, you couldn't make some of these up if you tried!

How did you meet the love of your life? Does your story top these 11 tales? I've yet to meet the love of my life, so I'm eager to hear what your wacky tales are until I have one of my own!

Please SHARE these strange, but beautiful stories with your family and friends on Facebook!

[H/T: Reddit 1, 2, 3]

Thumbnail source: Flickr


Flickr / Jayme Frye

"She fell into my lap at a Christmas party. Literally!

"I was sitting on a couch; she came in, tripped over something — and landed on my lap. Not sure what was said after that, but we had a date two weeks later; got married six months later." — Nodak70


Flickr / rcosgrove

"It was my first day working on my very first movie set. I was the on-set costumer.

"It was a kids movie so obviously there were a lot of kid actors running around. As I walked to set for the first time from the trailers one of the kids pointed to a man I had never met and said to me, '[T]hat guy loves you' loud enough for both of us to hear.

"I was mortified. But I looked at him and smiled and said, '[A]pparently you love me.' He said, 'I guess I do.'

"We celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary in August." — GlamorousHousewife


Flickr / Courtney Carmody

"High school. We were in a play, he was playing a teacher and needed an apple. He yelled across the hall 'DOES ANYONE HAVE AN APPLE,' and I did and that was that.

"It's been ten years, nearly." — cheshire_brat


Flickr / Jonas

"I was using a dating site to find other single parents to have another adult to talk to when I took the kid out to do things. Because of odd hours, I ended up talking to a guy from London. (I was in Atlanta, GA at the time.)

"After 3 months of ridiculous phone bills and two trips, we got married. 16 years later, he's getting to vote in his first presidential election." — Gileain


Flickr / Elaine Ashton

"I was hiking up the mountain with a group of friends, 3 male and 3 female, so even ratio. He was hiking alone with his Saint Bernard. My Great Pyrenees wasn't with me because she was too old for that difficult of a hike but seeing as I am a fellow big dog lover and owner, I ran up to pet his dog.

"I said, '[H]e's still a puppy isn't he?' He responded, '[Y]eah, how'd you know that?' I said, '[H]is hips are still taller than his shoulders.' Small talk and then we part ways to continue our climbs. He continues down. We continue up. My friend asks me why I didn't ask him out.

"About five minutes later I turn around and race after him. I somehow catch him and gracefully suggest a dog date. He immediately says yes and asks for my number.

"Every year we spend our anniversary on the same hike. Thankfully the dogs fell in love as fast as we did too! Two years, got a house together, another Saint Bernard and we've made it to the top of 10 mountains together. Oh and he beat cancer. We're very fortunate." — with_intention


Flickr / Sean MacEntee

"She was my boss. She fired me and then we became an item." — markko79


Flickr / Yoav Sion

"Both worked at a supermarket. She worked on checkout, I worked the shelves. She was 17 and I was 18. Now 32 and 33. 2 kids and a house together." — lumoruk


Flickr / dabruins07

"In the community match on Words with Friends. Neither of us had any idea who the other person was but soon realized we had mutual friends in common. Spent the next week messaging back and forth, then decided to meet for coffee the following Saturday.

"Its [sic]been a year and a half since our first date, we now live together and still battle it out over Words with Friends." — ms_golightly


Flickr / Kurt Komoda

"Through Reddit. Got married this year and we are expecting a baby in June. I moved from Canada to Australia to be with him.

"He's currently next to me in bed on his laptop." – lostmysoultothedevil


Flickr / Nathan Rupert

"5 years old, an older guy offered to teach me how to surf. I was hooked and I found a surfboard in the trash and he offered to fix it for me over the winter. Flash forward some time and my parents separated and I took it pretty hard. Bill who taught me to surf and his wife took me in basically, spent holidays with them and traveled to visit them a ton.

"Summer before college I meet their niece and we hit it off and spent the whole day we were together hanging out and then we went off to college, didn't speak for a whole year. Next summer we meet again, hit it off really well and spent the whole summer being goofy kids (summer love thing). Fall comes around and I go off to college two hours from her. We keep driving to see each other all the time.

"Flash forward 6 years and we're married. I still stay in touch with her uncle and surf all the time. Learning to surf as a little kid and a summer crush ended up with us getting married many years later!" — MCwaffle89


Flickr / anataman

"In jail. We were locked in a room 12 hours at a time every other day for about two months.

"We worked in corrections together. She had just started and was being trained in the Control Room. It's a fairly small room and we were basically forced into conversation, and we quickly fell for each other." — NearlyFearless

Do you have any fun falling-in-love stories like these? Please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.