This heartwarming short film perfectly captures the real life emotions that occur when two partners reunite after months of being separated by thousands of miles.
The video begins with a man named Jordan, calmly standing all alone in an airport. He seems nervous, even unsure of himself as he fiddles with the beautiful bouquet of yellow flowers that he holds in his hands.
The music swells, and suddenly people begin to stream out of the exit door; the plane full of soldiers has finally arrived, and Jordan is about to meet the love of his life!
He gives off a small smile as we finally get to meet his favorite soldier; Carol smiles as she rushes straight towards him and they embrace in the most heartfelt hug you've ever seen on tape.
Every single soldier deserves to have a welcome home like this. Many of our nation's brave men and women don't get the respect that they deserve when they come back, and when you watch this video you can see how having a strong support system like Jordan, will certainly help Carol assimilate back into civilian life.
This adorable couple really are deeply in love, and all we can say is how happy we are that they can be reunited, and how thankful we are for both of their sacrifices as she was off serving her country!
Please SHARE this video if you love our nation's brave soldiers!