Back in 2015, Denise Huskins and her boyfriend, Aaron Quinn, endured a terrifying ordeal. The couple was ambushed by a masked intruder at Aaron's house in Vallejo, California. They were tied up and drugged before Denise was transported to a different location and held hostage for two days.
After being sexually assaulted, Denise recalled being locked inside the trunk of a car for hours before waking up in an alley, all by herself, 400 miles away from home.
It was the stuff of nightmares — but the story took the world by storm once police officers claimed Denise and Aaron had made the whole thing up.
Despite the fact Aaron had been ordered to pay the ransom for Denise's safe return and was also held hostage, police interrogated him like he was the main suspect.
Denise, meanwhile, was deemed a liar. The media was quick to compare the case to the Ben Affleck film Gone Girl, which had been released in theaters a year prior.
Watch the video to see what happened four months after the alleged kidnapping — and how Denise finally got her vindication.