Abandoned Dog Was Found With The Most Heartbreaking Note After Her Mother Gave Her Up

If you have a box of tissues handy, grab them, because this story will cause you to shed some tears. The McKamey Animal Center shared a post on its Facebook page about a dog who arrived at the center. Lilo the dog arrived at the MAC after someone found her wandering around with her leash still attached.

A note was attached to Lilo’s leash. It said, “My name is Lilo. Please love me. My Mom can’t keep me and is homeless with 2 kids. She tried her best but can’t get help. I cost too much for her. She really loves me and I’m a great dog and love to be loved on. Please don’t abuse me.” At the top of the letter it also said, “Please keep my name.”

Reading this letter, I immediately wanted to go adopt this dog. On its post, the MAC posted a picture of the letter and a picture of Lilo. She looks like she craves cuddles, and I am more than ready to give her all my love.

The top of the MAC’s Facebook post says, “A Note to Lilo’s Mom.” MAC staff then explain how they found Lilo and that they understand the sacrifice the mom had to make. They apologize to Lilo’s mom for having to make that hard decision. They also reassure her that they will keep Lilo's name and promise to do their best to find her a wonderful new home.

MAC staff also included their understanding as to why Lilo’s mom did what she did but wished she would have come to them first for resources and help. They offer a community pet food pantry, low-cost vaccines, microchips, and spay/neuter services. They also provide rehoming resources available for situations similar to this one.

There are two subsequent edits on the post. The first says, “Lilo’s mom has been located and we are working with the family. Please see our most recent post for further information.” The second edit says, “We would like to add that we are well connected with resources and agencies who are ready and willing to help individuals and families experiencing homelessness.”

I love animal centers that know the struggles of families who love and want animals but sometimes don’t have the money or the resources to take care of them properly. If all animal centers followed in the steps of the MAC, I feel like many families would be able to greatly benefit from the available resources and keep their loving family pets.

To learn more about Lilo’s story, click the link in the Facebook post!