![HP ant nest](https://littlethings.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/HP-ant-nest.jpg)
There are many wonders of nature hidden from our eyes that only very few of us will be able to witness. From the bugs in the ground to the birds in the sky, there's an endless amount of things we don't know about in our world, though we have developed all kinds of technologies to be able to answer the hundreds of questions we still have.
Sometimes, though, it's the simplest ideas that create the most beautiful visuals of things we wouldn't normally be able to see.
Take an ant nest, for example. I would not be the only one to say that I am curious to know what the inside of the mound of dirt looks like, but also certainly not the only one to be afraid to approach it.
An abandoned ant nest is harmless: any human can stick a camera inside and take a look around, though we still wouldn't get a full picture of what's in there.
So one artist came up with the brilliant idea to pour molten metal down the hole. The hot substance fills the tunnels inside the nest. Once it cools and hardens, the artist tries to remove it from the ground. He then has to use a shovel because the nest extends far under the surface.
After it's completely separated from the soil, he washes it off to reveal the intricate tunnel system ants use inside their nest. It's absolutely stunning and interesting to see!
Please SHARE if you had no idea the inside of an ant nest was so complex!