Cats are wonderful companions. Many people think they are cold and uncaring. But get to know one, and there is no way anyone would still say that.
Cats thrive on attention and love from their humans and other cats. They are social creatures. They love to cuddle and play, while still having a lovely streak of independence!
However, there is one type of cat that gets even more of a bad reputation than others: black cats.
Black cats have had a hard time throughout history, especially here in America. Folks have become highly superstitious regarding these felines, and there is absolutely no truth behind this fear.
These 11 facts about black cats will make you see them in an entirely new light, as the wonderful animals and pets that they are. These facts are absolutely fascinating, and go to show that they deserve our love, just like any other pet.
Have you ever had a black cat? Have you ever thought about adopting one? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with your fellow cat loving friends on Facebook.
Thumbnail source: Flickr
1. They Have Low Adoption Rates

Black cats have the lowest adoption rates and the highest rates 0f euthanasia at shelters. Whether it's because of superstition or other factors, it's incredibly sad. These beautiful creatures deserve homes just as much as any other cat in need.
2. There Are Many Unique Types

There are many different kinds of black cats. In some, you can even see deep brown stripes hidden in their fur when the sun hits in the right way. Each of these amazing creatures is unique and wonderful.
3. They Are Surrounded By Superstition

In the Middle Ages, they were associated with witchcraft, due to the fact that solitary, elderly women tended to care for cats. The black cats in particular were often identified as witches, too.
4. They Are Sometimes Considered Good Luck Charms

In most parts of England and Ireland, a black cat crossing your path is actually considered to be good luck. Now if only Americans would adopt this same viewpoint…
5. Many Have Beautiful Golden Eyes

They usually have beautiful gold eyes due to the high amount of melanin, which is also what makes their fur the beautiful black color.
6. Only Select Breeds Are Truly Black Cats

Not all breeds can be considered solid black. According to the Cat Fanciers Association, only 22 breeds get this honor.
7. They Are Often In Danger Around Halloween

Shelters will not re-home black cats in the weeks before Halloween, as these beautiful animals are in danger during this time. Because of the false belief that black cats are associated with witchcraft and other evil things, they're at risk for harm around the holiday. If you have an outdoor black cat, be extra careful around Halloween.
8. Their Fur Ages Like Human Hair

Their black fur can turn white with age, much like when humans go grey. This can happen to any cat, but it's most noticeable against their dark fur.
9. They Have Heightened Immune Systems

According to some studies, researchers have found that black cats could be more resilient to diseases, such as feline HIV, and have a stronger immune system overall.
10. There Is A Black Cat Awareness Day

Black Cat Awareness Day is on August 17 of every year. Many shelters and rescue organizations will lower the adoption fees for their all-black felines in the hopes that more families will bring them home.
11. They Are True Love Bugs

They are full of love, and there is absolutely no reason to overlook a black cat when you're trying to take a new feline companion into your home. Those superstitious rumors are total malarky, and I can personally guarantee that your black cat will make you so, so happy. I know mine does!
Do you have a loving black cat at home like me? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!