If you're truly a "dog person" you know that no gift is too special for your furry best friend.
After all, dogs are truly members of our families, and after all the unconditional love they give us as owners, they deserve something special in return. In my opinion, dogs don't need the fanciest food, bed, or toys on the market. Something like this will happen more often than not, and we all know that dogs prefer your favorite shoe to a new toy, anyway.
When it comes to gifts, a little love can certainly go a long way, but there's nothing that can compare to what happens in this next video. Rhett Barkley, an adorably fluffy Golden Doodle, has just turned 1 year old. Since Rhett has brought his family – and his thousands and thousands of YouTube fans – so much joy, they decided to give him something extra special in return.
Rhett gets excited when his human mommy starts opening the box, but once I saw who was inside, I just melted! The family must be big fans of Gone With The Wind, because they decided to name their new little one Scarlett. Something tells me nothing will be able to top this birthday!
Are you a dog lover? Please SHARE this adorable video on your Facebook page!