Are you thinking about bringing home a wiggly armful of love, also known as a new dog? If so, have you considered a black dog? From the sleek, shiny Labrador to the adorably mop-like puli, black dogs are bold and beautiful! Of course, once you bring your new black dog home, you’ll need to give it a name.
The best black dog names are those that give a nod to your pup’s unique color and personality, so we’ve come up with a whole list of clever names for black dogs here! From the classic "Shadow" to the dramatic "Phantom" and the one-of-a-kind "Zwartkop" (a black flower), you’re sure to find a fur-ific name that fits your black dog perfectly.
If you happen to opt for a white dog instead, we’ve got a list of white dog names for you, too! Or maybe you’re the type who always goes for the swirl because you can’t choose between chocolate or vanilla, and you end up with a dog that’s both black and white. Here’s your list of Black-And-White Dog Names.
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1. Angus – A great name for a steak stealer!
2. Anise – A sweet, aromatic spice with a taste similar to black licorice.
3. Ash – A clever nod to your pup’s color.
4. Baa-Baa – A great option for a curly black dog.
5. Bamboo – The black bamboo plant has black stems.
6. Basil – The well-sweet purple miniature basil plant has purplish black leaves.
7. Bat Flower – A flower that looks similar to a bat in flight with ruffled wings.
8. Bear – A great option for a large black dog, or a tongue-in-cheek choice for a tiny one!
9. Black Bart – Another steak thief, perhaps? Black Bart was a notorious outlaw.
10. Blackbeard – Grrrr-eat name for a dog with a black spot over her eye.
11. Black Beauty – A great option for shiny black dogs, just like the shiny horse.
12. Blackberry – A sweet choice for your black pup.
13. Black Dahlia – The name a flower.
14. Black Foot – A great choice for a multicolored dog with black feet.
15. Blackie – A clever nod to your pup’s color.
16. Black Jack – A tough-sounding name for a male dog that’s black in color.
17. Black Knight – A nod to the satellite theory.
18. Black Magic Hollyhock – A flower that is almost as dark as any flower can get.
19. Black Market – An interesting choice for sure!
20. Black Pearl – Both a gemstone and a flower.

21. Black Peony Poppy – The name of a black poppy flower.
22. Black Rosa – The name of a black rose flower.
23. Black Velvet Petunia – A flower with beautiful purple-to-almost-black flowers.
24. Black Sheep – A great name for a curly black dog.
25. Black Wolf – Give this name to the dog who thinks he’s tough!
26. Blake – Old English for dark or black.
27. Bootleg – A cute pirate reference for a dog with black legs.
28. Calathea – A dark tropical plant, this name is also great for a female dog.
29. Calla – The calla lily flower comes in black and would make a great choice for a female black dog.
30. Canna – The black knight canna lily comes with deep, dark, burgundy leaves.
31. Cantor Black – A South African black flower.
32. Caviar – Choose this name for the upscale dog with good taste!
33. Charcoal – A cute nod to your pup’s color.
34. Chicory – Chicory root is sometimes used in coffee.
35. Chocolate – A “sweet” name for sure!
36. Cinder – This would be a great companion to Ash if you have two dogs.
37. Coal – A cute nod to your pup’s color. Could also be spelled Cole.
38. Cocoa – This would be a great name for a small, black lap dog.
39. Coffee – Dogs come first, and so does coffee!
40. Cosmos – For the space lovers out there.

41. Crow – Like the sleek, shiny black bird.
42. Dargan – Irish for black-haired.
43. Dark – A simple choice for a black dog of any size.
44. Darkness – A longer form of "Dark," this is a great choice for an all-black dog.
45. Darth Vader – An obvious choice for all the Star Wars lovers out there.
46. Dianthus – A beautiful flower that can be almost black.
47. Domino – A perfect name for a black dog with a few white spots.
48. Dusk – A cute nod to your pup’s color.
49. Ebony – Perfect for a black female dog.
50. Eclipse – A clever name for space lovers.
51. Eightball – The perfect name for a black dog, especially one that has one white spot.
52. Espresso – This would make a great name for a high-strung black dog.
53. Flint – A cute nod to your pup’s color.
54. Galaxy – Another one for the space lovers.
55. Gothic – A clever name for your black dog.
56. Grizzly – This would be a great name for a large, hairy black dog.
57. Hellebore – A beautiful almost-black flower.
58. Hershey – Choose this name if you want to think about chocolate every time you call your dog.
59. Indigo – A cute nod to your pup’s color.
60. Indigo Rose – The name of a dark-purple, almost-black tomato.

61. Inky – A great choice for a black dog of any size.
62. Jet – A great name for a fast-moving black dog.
63. Kettle – You know, like the pot and kettle?
64. Latte – A great name for the coffee-loving dog owners.
65. Licorice – A “sweet” nod to your pup’s color.
66. Luna – Of the moon.
67. Magic – A great choice for a black dog of any size.
68. Metallica – The Metallica succulent plant has leaves that are almost black. Of course, it might also be the name of your favorite band!
69. Midnight – A cute nod to your pup’s color.
70. Mondo – A black grass plant noted for its purplish black leaves and berries.
71. Night – A great choice for the dog who sleeps at the foot of your bed.
72. Nighthawk – A manly choice for any dog.
73. Nightingale – This would be a good companion name with Nighthawk for a boy-girl dog duo.
74. Night Owl – For the pup that likes to keep you up!
75. Nightwalker – Another name for the pup that likes to keep you up!
76. Obsidian – Black volcanic rock.
77. Onyx – A shiny, beautiful black stone.
78. Panther – Great name for a sleek, shiny large dog.
79. Pepper – An adorable choice for a black female dog.
80. Phantom – This would be a cute choice for a tiny black dog. So tough!

81. Phantom Petunia – The name for a dramatic black petunia flower with yellow stars on velvet black petals.
82. Pitch – Another word for coal tar.
83. Pitchy – A cute name for a black dog of any size.
84. Prunella – A flower having black petals with a purple and yellow center.
85. Queen of the Night – The name of a beautiful black tulip.
86. Raven – A sleek, black bird. Great choice for a black female dog.
87. Sable – An adorable name perfect for a black female dog.
88. Seal – An excellent choice for a playful pup.
89. Shade – A cute nod to your pup’s color.
90. Shadow – A great name for a black dog of any size.
91. Slate – Like the dark-colored rock.
92. Smoke – A cute nod to your pup’s color.
93. Smoky – An excellent choice for a black or gray dog.
94. Smudge – This would be a cute name for a dog with a multicolored face.
95. Soot – A great choice for a black dog of any size.
96. Sooty – A cute nickname for Soot, though also great for any black dog.
97. Space – Nothing is darker or more vast, making it a perfect name for a black dog.
98. Steel – An excellent choice for a black or gray dog.
99. Steely – A cute alternative to or nickname for Steel.
100. Storm – A great name for a pup with attitude.

101. Stormy – A cute alternative to or nickname for Storm.
102. Swan – Like a beautiful black swan.
103. Tar – Would be a cute companion name with a dog named Pitch.
104. Tasmania – Just like the Tasmanian Devil animal. Great for a high-energy breed.
105. Teddy – An adorable name for your cuddly little friend.
106. Teddy Bear – A sweet alternative to Teddy.
107. Twilight – A cute nod to your pup’s color.
108. Velvet – This would be a great name for a super-soft black dog.
109. Zwartkop – A super unusual name that allows you to call him/her Zwartz for short. The aeonium zwartkop is a succulent plant that has near-black rosette flowers.
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