While dogs may be high in the running for "best animals around," it's cats who have stolen the heart of the internet. Cat videos that are funny happen to be everywhere, and they're always a great way to put yourself in a good mood, especially after a bad day. They're a reminder that life can be funny. Cats may be more like roommates than best buds, but they're still an important part of our homes.
Have a mouse in the house? A cat will solve that. Did a bug fly in? Perfect — it's a cheap and natural toy for your cat to handle. Sometimes, owners can predict when an unforgettable moment is about to happen and bust out the camera just in time. For example, right after a nap is the perfect time for a classic me-yawn. (If you're unfamiliar with cat terms, that's a simultaneous yawn and meow. And it's very, very cute.)
Cat videos that are funny can also serve as an icebreaker among new friends or colleagues. If you know someone's having a bad day, hilarious cat vids can serve as the ultimate cure. Or if someone just got a new kitten, sending along a funny moment or meme might be a good way to unofficially say, "I want to hear more about your cat." While cat people often find each other naturally, sharing cat videos that are funny is key to forming an instant bond.
Another great thing about hilarious cat media? The videos are free. And hilarious moments happen all the time. Since cats are a pretty popular house pet, plenty of people have one to interact with daily. Here are 15 of the silliest cat videos around. They'll truly lift your spirits during these challenging times.
1. Winnie the Kitten Tackles "Uptown Funk"
And, of course, Winnie does an adorable job figuring out the choreography. The popular song is only made better when a funny kitten has created dance moves. Sure, maybe a laser pointer was involved — but since it's off-screen, it's only fair to speculate that this cat worked really, really hard to perfect this masterpiece. When it comes to cat videos that are funny, Winnie is a true winner.
2. Twerking Cat
But that doesn't mean that Winnie doesn't have a competitor when it comes to a dance-off. This twerking cat is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. And the music played with the video makes this funny cat even funnier. The kitten is actually able to do this due to cerebellar hypoplasia — which sounds scary but is manageable in cats. Cats who have it feel no pain; they're just a little uncoordinated.
3. The Breakdancing Kitty
What can you say? Funny cat videos often include cats dancing. This cat in particular has had moves since it was a kitten. The cat's human made a lovely montage and called it the "Evolution of Dance." This cute video is a must-watch for cat lovers.
4. Sylvester the Singing Cat
Sometimes, funny cat videos require a little bit of human participation. And that's what makes this video one of the funniest out there. Even though it was shot in 2013, it's guaranteed to make you laugh every time you see it. Sylvester should be an inspiration for all of the other kittens out there who have a song in their heart.
5. The Two Talking Cats
Ever hear two cats having a conversation with each other? The human parent of kitties Stina and Mossy realized the moment was rare and started videotaping, likely knowing it would be adorable. But it's also very funny when you think about what these two may have been chattering about. Was it something they saw on the news? Or maybe they're gushing over Sylvester the Singing Cat.
6. Maru's "Purrito"
Have you met Maru? Maru is a cat who loves to fit into small spaces. Boxes are always popular, but apparently Maru is also up for a challenge. This video makes Maru look like one of the funniest and cutest "purritos" out there. It'll make you laugh and then want to cuddle up in a cozy place.
7. Jedi Kittens
Cats. Lightsabers. What more can you want out of a video? Funny cat videos like "Jedi Kittens" are a solid reminder that cats can also be excellent actors. Since so many of us are still at home and looking for projects to occupy time, consider this an inspiration to make your own cat-themed remake of a classic film.
8. The Cat Thief
Burglary isn't funny. That is, unless it's a cat who's the thief. A kitten from Russia recently tried to make its way out of a bar with stacks of cash. The cat, reportedly named Masyanya, provided some great laughs and good publicity. Just make sure your cash is locked up when Masyanya strolls on by.
9. Dusty the Cat Burglar
On the topic of cats stealing things, you're bound to get a laugh from Dusty. By day, he's a standard cat. By night, his devious personality truly shines through. While he's beloved by all, Dusty is also a known neighborhood thief. He's stolen over 600 things over the years, including underwear.
10. The Pizza Fanatics
Who doesn't enjoy a slice or 12? Pizza is one of the most universally beloved foods. Even bad pizza is still better than no pizza. This compilation shows cats who happen to agree. It's funny to think about sharing a slice with your feline buddy, and they might appreciate it. (But you'd probably want to check with your vet beforehand.)
11. The Cat Pig
OK, so technically this might be more of a pig video that's funny and not a cat video that's funny. But the humor truly does stem from cats. This pig was raised by a family of cats, so in his eyes, he thinks he's one of them. That means that he leaps and purrs just like a standard kitty. Not only is that funny, but it's too adorable for words.
12. The Prankster Cat
While kittens are very sweet, they've also got a lot of energy. Watching this kitten "prank" its human with a surprise attack is adorable, but there's also something very cute about the way it scampers away. Maybe the kitten didn't get the surprise it was expecting, but it's still cute to witness.
13. Ice Cream Cat
Have you ever seen a cat eat ice cream before? Probably not. Until now. While the "cats drink milk" stereotype has mostly been debunked (turns out it gives them an upset stomach!) a cat having a lick of ice cream probably isn't the end of the world. This funny cat, however, got a bit dramatic over it.
14. The Anti-Kiss Cat
Cats can be very affectionate. Yet they'll openly tell you when they've had enough. Meet Dutchess, who very obviously says "no" to more head kisses. Based on her human's communication, it's pretty obvious that Dutchess communicates this openly all the time.
15. Crazy-Tongue Ronin
Cats can also be really strange. Meet Ronin, the cat who happens to have a very distinct reaction when he hears the sound of a comb. It's cute and funny, and apparently something he's done since he was just a little kitten. The video was first posted in 2012 and is still a hit today.