Cats and dogs have a reputation for not getting along very well. Some people even think that these animals are mortal enemies.
While some cats and dogs might not get along, there are plenty of other pairs who actually love each other very much. These animals are usually domestic pets who have lived around other animals for their entire lives, though bonds can happen out on the streets, too!
If you are thinking of introducing a pet to a new furry family member, you have to do it carefully and gradually. Your pets may not love each other immediately (although nothing is impossible), but with time and a bit of adjustment, they could just become the best of friends — just look at these two buddies!
These 10 pictures prove that cats and dogs can certainly get along. They also prove that it's just about the sweetest thing when these babies do end up becoming inseparable.
Do you have any cats and dogs who are best friends? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!
1. All Curled Up

This kitty could have slept anywhere, but she decided to get nice and close to her good friend for nap time.
2. Friends Till The End

These guys will be cuddling through their afternoons for years to come.
3. Licks For Love

This pooch doesn't realize that his tongue doesn't clean like his kitty friend's tongue does, but it's appreciated nonetheless.
4. Nap Time

What do you think they're dreaming of? Each other?
5. Jumping Bean

We can all tell who the hyper one is in this friendship!
6. Not-So-Dangerous Duo

Wolf dogs and black cats both get unwarranted bad reputations, but these guys are the most lovable of friends.
7. Not taking Turns

The truest of friends are sure to have a squabble now and then. For this cat and dog, it's all about their favorite toy.
8. Matchy Matchy

You know these guys are friends because they're wearing the same bandana and neither one of them is asking the other to go change.
9. A Sweet Kiss

Nothing says friendship like a loving kiss on top of the head.
10. Bathroom Break

True friends don't get pee shy when their bud is nearby in the bathroom.
Are your cat and dog the best of friends? We'd love to see them!
Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook.