Vet Acts Fast To Save A Senior Dog Dying In His Homeless Owner’s Arms

Say hello to Dr. Jeff Young and his team of heroes at "Planned Pethood Plus"…yes, you read that right!

This Colorado-based veterinarian, who has very strong beliefs and a bold personality, is a big advocate for spaying and neutering dogs to help control the overwhelming stray populations in the United States. He's starring in a new show on Animal Planet called Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet, where just about any animals with just about any issue can come through the door.

In the following clip from Dr. Jeff, we see a woman rush in with just about every pet parent's worst nightmare. A nurse finds her crying in the lobby with her dog losing consciousness in her arms. When Dr. Jeff and his team check out the 14-year-old dog named Chico, they realize he has serious heart and lung issues.

However, the doctor would soon learn that this dying dog was not the worst issue in owner Willamae and her daughter Sarah's life. After Willamae's older daughter died three years ago, the women lost everything they own and had been living out of a car. There was no way they'd be able to foot the bill for Chico's medication.

Although the clip cuts short, we learned that Dr. Jeff was able to buy the dog, who was equivalent to about 90 in human years, a little more time without Willamae and Sarah having to worry.

If you love dogs, please SHARE this heart-stopping video on your Facebook page!