We really don't deserve dogs. Even the ones who are a lot to handle give us so much love in return for our care. They're snuggly. They're good for our mental health. And they're always there for us. Yeah, they might chew up our shoes, the corners of our tables, and our prescription eyeglasses, but they're worth the trouble.
If you're lucky enough to have a fur buddy, then you already know that dogs are where it's at. But if you didn't know, then you're about to be seriously schooled, because a TikTok trend starring some super-cute pups has taken over the internet, and it's almost nauseatingly adorable.
It's called the Clap for Your Dog challenge, and it's exactly what it sounds like: people applauding their dogs for no apparent reason (other than being the goodest boy or girl) and seeing their reactions.
The reactions range from wags to doggy grins, complete with tongues flailing. But in each and every video, pure happiness is captured.
Have a look at the top 30 videos we could find in the #clapforyourdogchallenge.
1. A Very Good Boy
This first video was hard to miss. It was posted on TikTok by user Ali_Kruse and racked up the comments quickly. This pup doesn't know what's going on, but he knows he's been good. And honestly? We should really make a habit of applauding our dogs like this at least once a day, don't ya think? The first comment says, "normalize applauding dogs," and we couldn't agree more.
2. Dinner Party Pup
This next puppers is just hanging out at a dinner party when the applause and appreciation starts rolling in. The pup is so pumped up and maybe a little confused. But she hops up on the table and struts her stuff, because why not? Clearly everyone loves her.
3. Hyped
This video is way too cute! This puppers is so amped he's practically running in circles. It shows just how much our dogs absorb our energy. All we have to do to make them feel good is cheer them on. "I think he liked it," the user wrote.
4. Yay, Quincy!
This adorably tiny pooch named Quincy seems to have no idea what's happening. But that doesn't mean he isn't majorly psyched. Quincy doesn't even know who to look at, there's just so much love around. But it's a happy day in dog town.
5. Modest Nala
This sweet girl is just too modest! While her people are cheering her on, she seems none the wiser that they are actually clapping for her. Her owner captioned the video, "We tried the clapping for your dog trend and she thought it was for her frisbee." LOLz.
6. Nonstop Wags
Barney the golden just cannot stop wagging in this adorable video! He's clearly the life of the party, and he loves it. His people love seeing his happy reaction, too. Wag on, Barney.
7. Happy Dance
Is this dog named Rory the happiest dog in the world? It's hard to say, but judging by this video it seems so. She's going from person to person, soaking in the applause and the pets and truly feelin' the love.
8. Claps for Boomer
This fluffiest guy, Boomer, is just lounging when the applause starts. But man, does he get hyped! His mood is instantly transformed to being the happiest dog for miles. Sweet boy!
9. Winston Expects Applause
There is nothing more hilarious than a spoiled (very loved) dog. Maybe a spoiled schnauzer. This pup named Winston was once cheered for at meal time, and now … well, now he can't enjoy his food without claps. We kind of get it. We'd like to be applauded for eating our dinner, too.
10. Double the Joy
These two pooches are both joyous and confused at the same time. They're energy is hella contagious! After all, what's better than one happy pup? Well, two, of course.
11. A Playful Pooch
These clapping dog parents really seem to love their pooch. They are showing the love, and the pup goes into play mode quickly, jumping up and doing a little downward dog stretch. It's just too cute!
12. Different Strokes
This hilarious video shows a range of reactions. One pup is clearly harder to hype, while the other is running in circles. "Tilly just sitting there confused," the owner writes. It's still a great reaction, if you ask us.
13. A Hole in One
If their mere existence isn't enough, you can always teach your dog a special skill so they can earn their claps. This sweet pup hits a hole in one, and the owners can't stop cheering. The pup clearly loves the attention.
14. Jump! Jump!
This doggo is so excited by the applause he can't stop jumping! He pretty much looks like he's on a pogo stick. Then he gets carried away and starts to chew … on someone's hand. "He chose violence," the user joked on TikTok.
15. Pepper's Party
This might just be the happiest video on the internet. Not only is this cutie, Pepper, so delighted to be receiving some heartfelt encouragement, it also appears to be Christmas. Christmas? Happy pup? It's nothing but pure joy captured.
16. All Smiles
If you don't believe that dogs can smile, just watch this video. That's one smiling pup if we've ever seen one. This sweetie is a wagging, grinning, adorable happy dog, and we couldn't love it anymore.
17. Chowder the Great (Dane)
This dog is just too much. Chowder is a huge Great Dane who needs a minute to figure out what the heck is going on. But when he finally realizes that he's the one getting applause, he hops up and loves on his people like any goodest boy does. Oh, Chowder. We want you for our own!
18. Flop to Pop
It is seriously hard to watch this video without laughing. Don't even try. This teeny cutie goes from lying on the floor like a pile of fluff to popping up, happy as can be. We could watch this one on a loop.
19. 'Are the Hoomans Broken?'
These owners have a great sense of humor. In the video, they included doggy commentary like, "r the hoomans broken?" It's pretty fitting, because those adorable head tilts really make it look like that's what this duo is thinking.
20. So Much Love
German shepherds are pretty much always sweet as can be, but this video is something else. This doggo runs in the room looking around and around, trying to figure out what all the fuss is about. He's happy. He's confused. He's super-duper loved.
21. One Happy Girl
Ohhh my goodness. This girl is so happy, and clearly deserving, of all the love she's getting in this video. Of course, no matter what, pups need love (and applause!), but she just had a treatment for a rough patch of skin. All the more reason to send tons of encouragement her way.
22. Juno So Good!
Juno the dog is clearly SO good. He goes from chillin' in a sit like a good boy does to bouncing all around. He just can't stop moving until the applause slows down. He obviously knows he's so loved, and it makes him one happy pup.
23. Oh, Sugar
Sugar the rescue pup looks sweet as can be. While she might not be jumping and running around, her face says it all. Her little ears going back and forth and her gaze moving around the room shows she knows her humans love her. Yay for rescues!
24. Corgi Claps
Corgis have such short legs that they often struggle to get around. But these two bounced right up and jetted around the room, going from human to human, when the clapping started. Clearly, corgis don't mind getting a round of applause!
25. Whatta Good Boy
This beautiful spotted boy loves being hyped up by mom and dad. Even though he seemed to be in the middle of a nap, he was happy to pop up for claps, scratches, and hearing "Whatta good boy!" He knows he is!
26. A Cloud of Love
This gorgeous pup wouldn't have to do much to have our attention. Just look at those eyes and that luxurious fluff! But the love she gives back to her people after getting some well-earned applause is just priceless. Kisses for daddy!
27. Mr. Dent, You're Too Much
This pit named Mr. Dent was literally hanging out on his back, just chilling. But when the applause started, he totally changed his demeanor. Pits get a bad rap, but this guy couldn't be any sweeter. He's just a lovebug!
28. Two's Company
These sweeties are so happy with their humans' cheers. They look like they could bask in the applause for days. There's no question why the user who posted the video wrote, "Love this trend."
"LUCY IS THE GREATEST," these owners say. We totally believe them. This girl is so happy and sweet, and clearly everyone loves her. Even the commenters are clapping for her! One of them wrote, "I dropped by phone clapping for her. Worth it."
30. Old Dog, New Trick
Senior dogs are kind of the best, aren't they? They just hit a sweet spot where all they want to do is give and receive love. This old guy is clearly all about just that, and the video captures it all. Yay, Bailey!