Dogs are talented at an extraordinary array of things, from sniffing out bombs and protecting us from the bad guys to jumping through hoops and competing in an extraordinary array of competitions.
And of course, they're extremely talented snugglers and cuddly buddies, with us and other animals.
But one talent they have that may surprise you is…the art of dance.
Yes, dogs can shake their booty along with the best of them, and be shockingly graceful and coordinated (or just plain hilarious!)
Please SHARE these hysterical and talented dancing dogs with someone who could use a smile today!
1. Ashleigh and Pudsey blew the judges away during their 2012 audition for "Britain's Got Talent."
2. A hairless dog named Nathan does the Cupid Shuffle, and it is everything I never knew I wanted until now.
3. This dog plays John Travolta in a musical number from the hit musical, "Grease!"
4. This pooch flawlessly dances The Merengue.
5. This adorable Chihuahua dancing to salsa music is the funniest thing I've seen all day!
Please SHARE these dancing doggies with all of your friends!