There's a reason dogs and humans have shared such a special bond for thousands of years. They're the perfect companions and friends, and they've even been known to save our lives from time to time.
For some, a dog is a lifeline, especially if they're facing debilitating mental or physical health issues. Their simple presence and unwavering devotion have brought many people back from the brink.
But for others, it's the little gestures that dogs make that mean so much. Sure, they might not be trained to deal with a medical situation, but they instinctively know that sometimes we need help, too.
That's what happened to Twitter user Mayrelyn. She was minding her own business one day and happened to sniffle.
Hearing this, her little Maltese sprung into action and fetched her a napkin, Mayrelyn said.
Mayrelyn was astonished, and quickly snapped a few photos to document the event. She speculates that after a long time of watching Mayrelyn sniffle and then reach for something to blow or wipe her nose, the dog had picked up on the habit and decided to help out.
This little pooch shows that even if you're small, you can still make someone's day.
[H/T: Distractify]

Twitter user Mayrelyn was home one day and found herself sniffling. It's a pretty common occurrence this time of year, and she'd likely gone through a number of tissues already.
And it seemed that her repeated actions had made an impression on her dog.

Mayrelyn says the tiny Maltese soon came by holding a napkin, seemingly in reaction to her sniffle.

Mayrelyn had her phone handy and snapped a few photos of the dog and the paper napkin.
"She heard me sniffling and gave me a napkin," she posted in a tweet that's now been seen by more than 5,000 people.

The pup's selfless gesture immediately touched hearts everywhere.

And while the napkin looks clean enough, we're not sure if Mayrelyn actually used it on her own face, or if she just appreciated the gesture.
But either way, it shows that even little dogs want to make sure their humans know they have their backs.

Another Twitter user summed it up pretty well.
Has your dog even shown you an unexpected gesture of love? Let us know about it in the comments (we like pictures, too!), and SHARE this adorable little story with anyone who loves their dog!