Bird Serenades Pit Bull… Wait For The Dog’s Reaction.

When dogs tune into their surroundings, it's one of the cutest things in the world to watch. Sometimes they have an adorable head turn when a high pitch noise comes on TV, a quick head jerk if they hear a bark outside. As owners, we can't get enough when they are so in tune…or out of tune!

Take this adorable, what looks to be a Pit Bull/Chocolate Lab mix, for example who just can't stop from chiming in every time he hears the family bird begin to chirp! As he sits upright, ears perked, head back, it's almost like he's can't wait for the next note to be hit!

The best part? Just look how proud this adorable little guy is after he sings back up to the bird's song! It's just too cute for words!!

Enjoy and please SHARE this with your friends and family!