Dogs are adorable, spontaneous creatures. Sometimes, they wow their owners and onlookers alike in doing things that are truly unexpected.
Take this clip below as a perfect example. In this short, but hilarious, video, this pup knows what he wants and he makes sure he gets it even if he has to take it directly from the person who owns it.
For this pup, it’s a skateboard. I truly never believed a dog could ride one of those until watching this pup gracefully ride away with this man’s skateboard.
Not only was it comical to watch, but it was also fairly impressive.
I couldn’t help but compare this video to that of this greedy cat stealing the dog’s toy. I didn’t think animals could be so possessive and sneaky when it comes to an object that fascinates them.
This dog uses a smart tactic of angrily barking at this man as he’s riding his skateboard, and it causes him to step off of it as this adorable pup gets on it immediately, wasting no time. You can tell from the dog’s happy expression, and tongue wagging in the air that he doesn’t feel bad at all about stealing this skateboard right from underneath the man’s feet.
What a funny video this was to watch!
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