The animal kingdom is quite a magical place.
Aside from lions, tigers, bears, and such, the wild is also filled with hybrids of these purebred animals we've all come to know and love. These hybrids result when certain species mate with other species, and typically develop boastful key traits from each parent.
While many of these hybrids' existence may not be common knowledge, between adventurers' sightings and biologists' records, information and documentation of these rare species do indeed exist.
Below, you'll find 12 completely remarkable hybrid species, each gorgeous mash-ups of their parents.
Keep scrolling to learn more about these magnificent creatures from killer bees to the mysterious ligers to the tigon (no, we aren't making that name up, in case you are wondering).
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[H/T: Day Styles]
12. Killer Bees

These particularly vicious bees descend from a strain of European honeybees and African honeybees. First bred in the 1950s, they are considered dangerously invasive.
11. Blacktip Shark

These sharks are descended from two different types of sharks. They typically linger in coastal waters.
10. Mule

Mules, descended from horses and donkeys, are some of the most commonly known hybrids in our midst, and regularly work alongside humans.
9. Tigon

Tigons are less common than other wildcat hybrids, and tend to lead shorter lives.
8. Red Parrot Cichlid

These exotic fish can be quite beautiful, but also generally suffer from developmental abnormalities.
7. Wolphin

Descended from a whale and dolphin, there are only four of these cuties known to us in the whole world, though countless others likely exist unbeknownst to us in the wild.
6. Dzo

Dzos are a cross between a cow and yak, and generally produce more meat and milk than their ancestors.
5. Coywolf

Part coyote, part wolf, these diligent hunters like traveling in packs.
4. Zony

Descended from zebras and ponies, these cuties love grazing their days away.
3. Beefalo

The beefalo is descended from a cow and a buffalo. They've likely been unintentionally crossbreeding since the mid 1700s.
2. Liger

Offspring of a lion and a tiger, these beauties can grow to colossal sizes.
1. Zonkey

This adorable zonkey's mom and dad are a donkey and a zebra.