Elderly Man Slips In Shower & Lies There For 16 Hours Until Loyal Cat Steps In To Save Him

Cats don’t get nearly enough credit. Not only are they pretty crafty and stealthy, but they can also be courageous helpers and defenders for both themselves and their people.

This video posted by FOX 17 WXMI shares how an older man in Sturgis, Michigan, slipped and fell while getting out of his shower and how he was lying helpless for hours. Amazingly, it was his pet cat who ultimately saved his life.

The news outlet reports that when 84-year-old Ron Williams slipped and fell in the bathroom, he was lying on his bathroom floor for nearly 16 hours. He finally remembered that he had left his cellphone on the vanity counter, and that was exactly when he realized that he needed his cat’s help.

Whenever his cellphone would ring, Ron would jokingly say the words “ring-a-ding” to his cat Fluffy to signal that he needed to answer the phone. In a last-ditch effort, after nearly 16 hours of lying in agony on the floor with one of his arms pinned under him, Ron decided to say those exact words to Fluffy. Within five minutes, Fluffy had knocked Ron’s phone to the floor beside his hand.

Ron adopted Fluffy from a friend in 2020 and had no idea that a few weeks after he got him, the cat would help save his life.

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“I relive it a million times and what if he wouldn’t have been in there with me? I’d be dead today,” Ron tearfully explains.

To hear Ron’s sentiments about his hero cat named Fluffy, watch the full video shared by FOX 17 WXMI.