If you're like millions of other social media users around the world, then you surely like spending a fair share of your spare time scrolling through interesting, intriguing, and entertaining posts. You might like to track down trending DIY projects and viral-worthy life hacks, or you might be into checking out cute videos of little ones that are shared by their proud (or exasperated) parents.
On the other hand, you might be the kind of person who gets a kick out of funny animal videos. If that's the case, then you might be eager to see clips of ridiculous roosters, interested in watching snippets of hilarious housecats, and eager to share GIFs of priceless giggle-worthy puppies with your friends and family.
Honestly, we get it! We can't get enough of funny animal TikToks, including the following cute clips that feature silly cats, adorable dogs, quirky birds, and so much more!
Chihuahua wants you to shake, señora.
This Chihuahua is apparently on "dinner patrol." However, his little dance-like prance down the hall to Harry Belafonte singing "Jump in the Line (Shake, Señora)" will have you grooving along with him while you also laugh at the absurd adorableness.
All audition tapes should feature cats.
Preparing an audition tape can't be easy on the nerves. Fortunately, this sweet cat is willing to give her human a lot of love and support. Unfortunately, she wants to do it while the camera is on.
No more snacks?!
This otter is extremely cute as it nibbles away on its treat. This otter is also just like every single one of us when we're snacking away and realize that there's nothing left on our plates. Sigh!
Watch out (and listen out) for those turkey gangs.
If you happen to come across a group of turkeys wandering around the neighborhood, your first instinct might not be to film them while also giving them a shout-out. But if you do, you might get a rather unexpected response.
When you're knocked out by a movie
There are countless movie lovers who enjoy watching Titanic. However, this dog seems to have been simply knocked out by the romantic film. Honestly, just look at that face!
Meow on demand
Cats aren't the kind of animals who are known for doing what you want them to do. Fortunately, it turns out that all you have to do is add a button to their noggins to get them to meow on demand.
Squirrel wants to show off her TikTok video.
Who doesn't get excited when they make an awesome TikTok? Clearly, this squirrel is seriously into the video that she stars in. In fact, she's so thrilled that this quirky critter wants to show it off to her friend.
Never try to trash-talk a goat.
Goats may be weirdly cute, not to mention ridiculously silly, but they can also get all up in your face. Just check out this goat who isn't about to let someone talk trash in front of him.
This feline sounds like a gagging toddler.
Do you like blue cheese even though the smell is rather, er, pungent? Or do you have a toddler who isn't exactly fond of your cooking and lets you know all about it? Then this cat might seem familiar to you. According to the caption, this funny feline "[b]egs for this cheese then gags everytime but still eats it."
There's smooth, and then there's smooooooth.
Has a lizard ever looked so cool? Has a reptile ever looked so suave? Has such a creepy, crawly critter ever looked so smooth? We think not!
Belly-laugh at this post-bath behavior.
Do you love a good soak in the tub? So does this dog! He also seems to love how he feels when he gets out, as his owner explained: "He gets a bit crazy after his bath but… well I didn’t quite expect that."
Shower-loving turtle likes to dance.
Baths aren't for everyone. If you prefer a shower, then you might understand (and get a laugh out of) this twisty turtle who looks like he's doing a dance under the steady stream of water.
Is that an alpaca or a poodle?
Do you know how dogs sometimes look silly when they first get a haircut? Well, check out this alpaca who has just been shorn (as they tend to be) yet looks like she went to the worst poodle groomer in town. Despite that, this creature seems to be feeling herself!
Big dog, little cat, big scare
Dogs simply love their toys. What they don't love is being surprised by a teeny yet apparently oh-so-ferocious cat who they didn't notice was lying in wait.
Beware of goats with pool noodles.
Did you know that naughty goats who won't stop fighting have to wear pool noodles on their horns to keep other animals and the humans around them safe? It's true, and it's one of the funniest things you'll ever see at a farm.
Baby panda sneeze scares mom but will make you laugh.
This video obviously wasn't filmed in the most photogenic location. However, this mama panda bear still seems to be perfectly happy chilling out with her baby. That is, until the little one lets out a big sneeze.
Silly ferret stair shenanigans
If you don't like ferrets, then you might find this video more cringe-worthy than giggle-worthy. But if you don't mind the friendly rodents, then you'll definitely get a smile over the silly way this twisty ferret makes his way down the stairs.
Sympathetic puppy or dancing dog?
While some angry animals may want to do you harm, there are other sweet pets who feel bad when you're hurt. Just check out this puppy who seems to be super sympathetic. Either that or he thinks that his human is dancing and wants to get in on the fun.
Precious paws
We get it — getting your feet wet isn't necessarily a nice feeling. However, this cat is so determined to keep his paws dry that he engages in some seriously fancy footwork to get across a puddle-covered beam.
This praying mantis is ready for a fight.
A praying mantis may look like it's ready for church, but this particular insect appears to be ready for a fight. Not even a massive construction excavator can get it to back down.
The horror of getting your nails clipped
Some dogs don't like baths. Other dogs don't like going to the vet. This dog apparently thinks that getting his claws clipped is the worst thing in the world.
'Do angles matter?'
If you've ever wondered if angles really matter when it comes to appearing on camera, this hilariously weird-looking seal might be able to help you answer that question. Clearly, they really, really do matter.
Um, yum?
It's no secret that cats love boxes. But you have to wonder why that is when you see this cat's reaction to getting a little cardboard in her mouth. What makes it even better, creepier, and funnier is the slow-mo action.
Dirty dancing turtle-style.
Those who have watched (and likely rewatched) Dirty Dancing will know about the memorable river scene. Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey practice their tricky lift while surrounded by water … just like these turtles seem to be doing.
Meet the 'spiciest chicken nugget.'
Not all animals like to be held, and some are definitely not cuddly. That includes a bird named Brad who is apparently the "spiciest chicken nugget." That's right, this is one mean rooster. In fact, his human calls him "pure evil," although this video of his testy temperament is pure gold.
This dog has a tickle alarm.
Some people laugh when they're tickled, and some people squeal. When it comes to this dog, it sounds like he has a tickle alarm that goes off before he's even touched.
Ferret fail
Oops, that wasn't exactly graceful. But don't worry! The little critter's human noted, "Cosmos is absolutely fine, I however nearly wet myself laughing."
Have you ever heard a horse snore?
If you came across a horse flat-out in the grass, then you might think that it was sick or hurt just like the person in this TikTok video did at first. Luckily, the animal wasn't ill or injured. It was just sleepy and happens to snore really loudly, because that's apparently something that horses do.
Avoid salespeople like an emu.
We know that mall kiosk salespeople are just trying to do their job. But that doesn't make it any less awkward when we accidentally make eye contact with them while having absolutely no interest in what they're selling. This emu obviously gets it.
Beware of the gremlin-like Chihuahua.
Dogs are man's best friend, as they say. That is, unless the dog is a Chihuahua. Then there's a chance that the dog might try to bite your hand off if he's not in a good mood. Anyone else think that this thing sounds like a gremlin?!