I Tested The ‘Fur Wizard’ To See If It Could Actually Clean Up After My 5 Cats And 2 Dogs

For me, every outfit I own isn't complete without a little bit of cat fur.

I wear black on a near-daily basis, and my pants would probably look sleeker if the ankles weren't always covered in fur.

Since I was a little girl, my family has been full of avid pet lovers. I remember there was a point in time where my sister "found" four kittens one year and just had to bring them home. My mom is a big cat lover, so even if she was mad, she couldn't say no to keeping the kitties.

But with our adorable animals comes their pesky fur. I am mildly allergic to cats and dogs, so I'm not the biggest fan of fur everywhere. But I am so used to it that I hardly notice anymore.

We've never found a lint roller capable of getting the fur of so many animals out of our clothes and furniture. My family currently has five cats and two dogs. It might sound like a lot, but we we've had way more at times!

Some of our kitties, Luna and Jeremy, hardly ever shed. My Yorkie, Tyrone, doesn't shed at all. But my long-haired cats and the chubby tabby, Brooklyn, are big shedders. I also have a 15-year-old Shetland sheepdog named Buddy, whose long fur never fails to find its way onto my pants.

So when I saw one of those "As Seen on TV" advertisements for the Fur Wizard, I was pretty desperate to see if it was the real deal.

Keep scrolling to see my results with the Fur Wizard and whether it stood a chance against the fur of my five cats and two dogs!

What Is The Fur Wizard?

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

The Hurricane Fur Wizard is meant to clean up pet fur — not only better but in half the time. It is an extra large lint brush that never needs to be refilled! As soon as I heard that, I knew I had to try it. I have four different lint rollers in my house and none of them every work very well.

On their website Fur Wizard claims, "The secret is the thousands of micro bristles that act like fingers, grabbing every last piece of fur or fuzz. The self-cleaning base uses its own micro bristles to brush fur wizard clean, then just remove the base clip to empty!"

How Does The Fur Wizard Work?

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

Those secret bristles use their magic-like fingers to grab every last bit of pet fur!

Instead of throwing away the brush afterward, as you do with the sticky paper from a lint roller, the Fur Wizard has a self-cleaning base. The company says it's so easy to clean the brush off — it takes just a dip, and your Fur Wizard is good to go right away.

Why Do I Need To Use The Fur Wizard?

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

I wasn't exaggerating with that headline: I live with five cats and two dogs. I think it is pretty safe to say you already know why I needed the fur wizard, but the picture of my couch is further proof.

One of my many kitties, Brooklyn, loves to sit on this couch. It is right by the front door, so he can watch visitors come and go. He acts as the family greeter from his post. But as cute as it is that Brooklyn loves to greet us, he always leaves behind an insane amount of hair.

The Test Subjects

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

Pictured at the top, that tuxedo cat is Sirius. He's 5 years old and the first cat I've ever had an allergic reaction to. The tortoiseshell calico cat next to him is Luna. The only time she sheds is when she is very stressed out.

The big orange and white tabby is Brooklyn. Brooklyn and Sirius can never be in the same room — they are mortal enemies. They both shed a lot when they're stressed.

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

On the left are Tyrone and Buddy. Tyrone is the one who never sheds, but Buddy sheds plenty for the both of them. They are senior dogs and the sweetest puppies in the world.

Jasper is on the top right. Even though he is a long-haired cat, he can sleep on my face and his fur never bothers me. But he does shed like it's his job. Below him is the original orange tabby in the Suarez house, Jeremy. Jeremy hardly ever sheds!

Testing Out The Fur Wizard

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

From the product description, this should have been easy. Right? I am laughing at how naive I was to believe that.

While the concept is very simple, it is tough work. The Fur Wizard has a little arrow on it that tells you which direction to swipe the brush. But for areas that are packed with fur (like my sofa) you won't get rid of the fur in one swipe.

In fact, this took me 22 swipes. Yes, I counted.

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

I had to drag the Fur Wizard over my couch so many times, I no longer felt bad about skipping the gym. This is a mini arm workout!

After every 2 to 3 swipes, I had to put the Fur Wizard back in its little self-cleaning base to get rid of the excess fur. But even that took more than one swipe! I had to dip the brush into the base at least twice to clean it off. I felt like I was churning butter.

Before And After The Fur Wizard

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

As you can see from my furry sweatshirt, the Fur Wizard was not very effective on clothing. I had to swipe at least 10 times to get off most of the fur.

I usually use about 3 to 4 sheets from the lint roller to get the same result. While using this on my sweatshirt and pants, it didn't feel like the Fur Wizard was designed with clothing in mind. It didn't feel natural to use on myself, as a lint roller does.

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

The fur on my sweatshirt was pretty stubborn, for the most part, but it came off my pants (after several swipes).

It is a little hard to tell from the images, but my pants in the bottom photo aren't completely fur-free. They are, however, passable — and they looked much better than my sweatshirt did.

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

The Fur Wizard might not have been a match for my seven pets when it comes to clothing, but it did hold up when it comes to furniture!

For the purpose of this experiment, I really let the fur build up on the couch. The Fur Wizard did its job, but it took a lot of work.

I'd say this is much better when used on a daily basis to keep extra furry spots at bay. I don't know how hard the woman in the commercial was pushing down when she used the Fur Wizard, but the fur did not come off my couch quite as easily as she made it seem.

Final Thoughts

Ana Luisa Suarez for LittleThings

Would I recommend this product to a friend? Sure! I don't know anyone with more pets than me, so I'm sure they won't have as hard of a time as I did. Plus, I think it is probably better to use it continuously — not to get rid of fur that has been collecting in one spot for weeks.

Will I use this product again? On my couch? Yes! If we use it often, it probably won't be such a hassle. For my clothes? Not unless the lint roller is just not working. Otherwise, this had the same results but took much longer than a lint roller to achieve them.

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