Frustrated Giraffe Breaks A Gate And Leaves It For Another To Fix

Have you ever been so annoyed by something, you had to physically act? I'm sure there are many instances that have made you feel this way, maybe even daily. But for a giraffe, there aren't many repercussions if they actually physically act out. Can you really punish a bad giraffe? They're too cute!

This gate, meant to keep the giraffes from coming and going at their own leisure, never actually managed to do its job. One day, after a long time of frustration I'm sure, this female giraffe decided enough was enough. She was getting rid of the gate and that was it. Sure enough, she was able to break the gate fairly easily. But, a fellow giraffe saw this and tried to help. Helpful animals are the cutest, just like this kangaroo helping out his little wombat brother!

I'm not sure if this adorable big guy was trying to help his fellow giraffe or help out the humans by fixing the gate. Either way, it was a very sweet gesture. Unfortunately, his gate fixing skills aren't very good. Since, you know, he's a giraffe and has no hands to fix it with. Instead of fixing it, it seems he only made things worse. Just watch the video below to see the poor guy's feeble attempts!

Don't forget to SHARE this hilarious animal moment with all of your friends and family!