He Put His Dog On His Motorcycle… I Just Can’t BELIEVE This!

If you haven’t laughed, or at least smiled, today, you must — simply must — check out this video. It features Lexus, the dog that looovvves dirt bikes. We’ve seen cats that swim, dogs that open doors for themselves, and plenty of other goofy pet videos, but this one is a real doozy!

Lexus and her human, James Stott, took what can only be described as an epic ride through a small dessert in Utah on Stott’s trusty dirt bike. Stott wears a helmet and goggles (safety first!) while Lexus rocks her own awesome riding goggles. (Anyone else think those goggles look “steampunk” in design? Anyone?) Lexus rides in the front of the bike, clearly enjoying every minute, and actually gets perturbed when Stott takes him off it for a bit. It’s nothing short of hilarious!

If you have a soft spot in your heart for boxers, or a soft spot in your heart for dirt bikes, or both, you’ll need to watch this video immediately and SHARE it with everyone you’ve ever met.