He Heard Cries From Inside This Hole. What He Pulls Out? It Floored Me.

They heard cries coming from a hole in the ground….

After searching for over an hour and again being told by authorities there was nothing around, Lakeland, Florida officials finally located an old manhole cover that was covered with grass and dirt. Dusty, the hero you're about to meet, dropped down into the hole filled with roaches and broken glass and crawled about 75 yards…and out of the darkness Ol' Man Jenkins appeared.

Blind and decrepit, Ol' Man Jenkins was not only dumped in the sewer, but he also fell more than 6 feet in the darkness onto hard concrete in an area connecting the small sewer to the larger one.

The entire rescue was caught on camera, and by the end I was applauding this man for all he'd done for a tiny, old dog who needed his second chance.

Please SHARE this amazing rescue.