Husky Throws A Huge Tantrum When Mom Says It’s Time To Leave Dog Park

There is no bigger buzzkill than having your mom tell you it's time to leave the party.

Even if you're tired and want to go home, you suddenly find yourself with a renewed energy and you want to stay for hours and hours more.

But Mom's word is final and eventually, after a tantrum or two, she wins out in the war of wills and everyone goes home. This isn't just something we all remember from childhood (and our teen years) — dogs experience it too!

One particularly vocal husky decided he wasn't going to let his mom get away with ruining all the fun!

Everyone at the dog park got to witness firsthand this husky throwing a tantrum of epic proportions when Mom told him it was time to go home.

According to the video's description on YouTube, this dog throws a tantrum every time he's told to leave the park. It actually sounds like this husky is talking, so the video poster captioned it with words to show how much it sounds like this husky is telling his mom "no."

If you think this dog having a tantrum is adorable, you will also enjoy this bulldog throwing a complete tantrum when his dad tells him he can't sleep on the couch.

Don't forget to SHARE this hilarious dog with all of your friends and family!