Of all the incredible things on the web, few woo us quite as much as pets managing to do people stuff. People things like, you know, seemingly making actual words.
This video below was originally posted back in 2009 and Bella has undoubtedly gotten a lot bigger since then, but that makes it no less adorable. Her owner wins over everyone on the Internet when he tells his husky Bella he loves her, to which she seemingly responds "I love you" back. And while she wouldn't be the first husky we've heard defy our greatest expectations — let's not forget about Noushka reacting to Mischka — it's still pretty cute. (Okay, fine, even if we're admittedly stretching the imagination a bit.)
We've reported on this dog-makes-words phenomenon before. Psychologist and dog expert Stanley Coren of the University of British Columbia tells the Scientific American that dogs who talk are most likely trying to mimic sounds or phrases with the expectation that they're rewarded either with praise or a treat. So even if your pup tells you he loves you semi-regularly, he's more likely wanting to be pet, rather than actually communicate with you in his best human dialect. But hey, we pet owners can dream, right?
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