Amazing Artist Uses Pen And Paper To Turn Animals Into Geometric Beasts

When's the last time you really took a look around?

Obviously your eyes are open while walking the dog (or maybe a giant cuddly rabbit that's as big as a dog), driving the kids to school, and enjoying lunch in the spring sunshine. But are you really seeing the world?

Kerby Rosanes is an artist from the Philippines who can't help but revel in the intricate beauty all around him. He lives in one of the most densely populated cities on the planet, Manila, but his keen eyes are able to seek out the gorgeous in the mundane.

Famous for his detailed pen & paper drawings, Rosanes recently released a new collection that features animals breaking free from their geometric forms.

Leaving their rigid and uniform "bodies" behind, the animals seem to leap off the page with new energy, inspiring us all to shake off the people and things that keep us from living life to the fullest.

Scroll through the images below to see Rosanes' amazing, animal-inspired work!

Kerby Rosanes / Instagram

To say that Rosanes is passionate about drawing would be the understatement of the century.

Until quite recently, he paid the rent via a full-time graphic design job, then came home to continue drawing all night.

Kerby Rosanes / Instagram

Then, some of his amazing work was spotted on the internet, and it almost immediately went viral.

Rosanes realized that drawing and inspiring others to draw was his true calling, and thanks to the interest generated online, he was finally able to do just that.

Kerby Rosanes / Instagram

Rosanes works mainly with ordinary black fine markers to create his drawings, but a lack of color doesn't mean they're boring.

Most of his works are characterized by whimsical lines, patterns, characters, and little elements that are spontaneously combined to create massive compositions depicting things in his every day life or scenes from his quirky imagination.

Kerby Rosanes / Instagram

Since becoming "internet famous," Rosanes has published a new adult coloring book, Animorphia, now available in many languages.

"Most of my work is inspired by nature-related elements… animals, plants, a sense of wonder," Rosanes explains in this video profile.

Kerby Rosanes / Instagram

His playful imagination and sense of wonder definitely shines through in this Geometric Beasts collection.

Each one is a curious combination of precision and chaos, mathematics, and art. These animals look like they are transforming from one thing to another, much like Rosanes himself.

Kerby Rosanes / Instagram

"What impacted me most are the letters from adults and grandparents, those who have their full-time work, and after seeing my work, it inspired them to pick up the pen again," Rosanes continues.

Kerby Rosanes / Instagram

Although it would probably take you or I months to complete a drawing as intricate and precise as Rosanes' Geometric Beast, for him these are free-form doodles.

"I just need to sketch the main elements to make a solid idea, then I just let my mind dive into my pens and start doodling around the page," he says in an interview with GMA News.

Rosanes continues: "I always enjoy seeing a finished page of my sketchbook which was once blank; every tiny bit of detail comes out of nowhere."

Kerby Rosanes / Instagram

To see more of Rosanes' amazing animals, check out his Facebook and Instagram pages.

Do you doodle to relax or get through a creative block? Tell us about it in the comments.

Please SHARE with your favorite budding artist or animal-lover!

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