Pregnancy can be one of the most beautiful and magical experiences in a person's life.
Not only is it incredible to have a baby growing inside of a mother's body, but the anticipation and preparation for the new child can be quite wonderful as well.
Many photographers have tried to document the beauty of pregnancy — like with this pregnant pole dancer. But I have never seen a maternity photo shoot like this before.
Photographer Ana Paula Grillo recently posted her latest photos on her Facebook page. However, unlike the photos she normally takes, this unique shoot featured a soon-to-be mother — Lilica, the dog.
Scroll through below for a look at these joyous and celebratory photos of Lilica posing in all of her pregnant glory.
And what happened a few days later? Lilica got to have a follow-up shoot with her adorable newborn pups!
It just goes to show how beautiful and miraculous pregnancy can be, even for our four-legged friends.
Have you ever been owner to a pregnant pup? Let us know in the comments!
[H/T: The Dodo, BoredPanda]

While we have all seen photo shoots of expectant moms before, most people have yet to see a maternity shoot quite like this.
Photographer Ana Paula Grillo, from Brazil, took pictures of her friend's dog, Lilica, basking in the joy of being pregnant.

Ana told BoredPanda, "It was amazing; I felt like I understood her completely."
Lilica was quite the natural in front of the camera. She had no problem playing, smiling, and showing off her beautiful body.

The photo shoot, which lasted only 20 minutes, gave Lilica the chance to show her personality to the world.
Ana continued, "She made sensational poses!"

When asked by the Dodo about working with Lilica, Ana said, "She smiled in a way that was just so nice."

Ana's photos of Lilica quickly became an internet sensation, being shared thousands of times via news outlets and on Facebook.

Ana is no stranger to working with animals either. She has photographed them quite a number of times, though this maternity shoot may be one of the most memorable for her.

She also told the Dodo that she "volunteers to help rescue abandoned pets" in her spare time.

In addition to the attention she has been receiving from strangers, Lilica has found plenty of love at home.
Ana told the Dodo that Lilica was "very well loved and cared for."

And perhaps the best news of all? The day after her shoot, Lilica gave birth to five incredible and healthy pups!

Her babies included four boys and one girl, comprising an adorable bunch that look quite like their mother.

Ana shared this follow-up photo shoot of Lilica's new family on her Facebook page as well, only adding to Lilica's fame as the new face of puppy parenthood.

According to the Daily Mail, any minor moan from the babies brings their mother running to their side.

At under a month of age, the puppies are not quite ready to be adopted, and will stay with their loving mother for the time being.

The arrival of these beautiful babies is a miracle and a blessing that has touched the hearts of people around the world.
And Ana's photographs of Lilica and her babies show just how beautiful pregnancy and motherhood can be in all of its forms.
For more of Ana's work, visit her Facebook page.
What do you think of Lilica's maternity shoot? Let us know in the comments.
Please SHARE these stunning photos with dog lovers everywhere!