She Was Inches From Getting A Rattlesnake Bite. What Her Rescue Puppy Did? INCREDIBLE!

A 6-month-old puppy is being hailed a hero, but it turns out that Guinness the hound dog isn't the only hero in this heartwarming story.

Joshua Chavez and Jenna Castello were hiking in the forest with the young pup, when suddenly a fierce rattling noise was heard underfoot. Jenna was unfamiliar with the noise, but little Guinness immediately threw himself between the deadly rattlesnake and the woman.

Guinness saw a threat to Castello, he saw her scared of the snake and he did everything within his brave puppy power to protect his human companion. Unfortunately, that meant that the brave pooch ended up getting bitten twice by the snake before it slithered away, once on his face, and once on his paw.

The dog was growing more disoriented and confused with each passing second, the toxins spreading through his body. Luckily, Chavez knew exactly what he needed to do: He picked up the injured dog, and carried him for the next 25 minutes back to their car. They then desperately drove to the vet to see if there was any anti-venom; a true race against time.

Guinness the brave rescue dog did what was in his nature to do. He put his life on the line, willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice to protect his human. Make sure to watch what happened at 1:50, it was honestly so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes.

What do you think of this brave puppy? Do you think they should give him a special award? Let us know in the comments!

And please SHARE this beautiful story of a brave little rescue dog and his love for his human!