Husky Desperately Tries To Wake Up Owner But Collapses Next To Him Moments Later

When you take on a pet, you need to understand that you're taking on a living, breathing creature. That means providing food, shelter, and above all else, endless amounts of love and attention.

Do you know what you as an owner get in return? A pet that is always excited to see you when you come home, that always make you feel happy whenever you're sad, and that is always down for a good play date — even when you're not in the mood.

On May 31, 2016, a young boy was happily snoozing in bed when Max the husky hopped up next to him. The furry friend quickly realized that his owner didn't know he was ready to play, so he gave him a few licks on the ear to make his arrival known.

But nothing happened. Instead of backing down, Max started to get more aggressive with his efforts. He began to walk around the bed, trying to figure out what else he could possibly do to wake the boy from the deep slumber.

He gave more kisses, walked all over him, jumped off and back on the bed, sniffed, and then finally decided if you can't beat them, why not join them?

So, Max finally gave into the comfy-looking bed and collapsed at his owner's feet, nuzzling the sheets and turning a bit to get situated before looking fully pleased.

I think it's safe to say that by the end of this video, Max finally understood why his owner wanted to stay in bed!

Do you find this husky's attempt absolutely adorable? Let us know in the comments below, and please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!